Recently, the official start of the Quantum Challenges, an initiative of Materiel and IT Command (COMMIT) to find innovative solutions to specific quantum challenges, took place. After a selection process, six parties were chosen to participate, including start-ups, knowledge institutes and universities. 🎓
Over the next eight months, these parties will work on solutions for technical quantum challenges and operational use cases. The solutions will be presented during Purple NECtar/Innovation in Defence in November and the best solvers will win a follow-up assignment. 💪
What makes this initiative unique is the new form of collaboration between the Ministry of Defence and start-ups. "We are amazed at the speed with which the Ministry of Defence can act in the field of selecting and realising procurement contracts," said several selected parties.
On behalf of Ministerie van Defensie, COMMIT hopes not only to find solutions to its own challenges, but also to promote the Quantum ecosystem by realizing knowledge sharing. During the Kick Off, information and knowledge were immediately shared, and in the coming months, interactive sessions will take place to further stimulate this knowledge sharing.
Are you curious about the results? Stay tuned for updates on Purple NECtar in November.
Companies participating: Fermioniq, QuiX Quantum, QuantaMap, Qubitrium, Deltares, CUbIQ Technologies, Capgemini, TNO, Eindhoven University of Technology
Source: here.